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Prayer to Babalu Aye

Jekua Babalu Aye Agronica!

Ashe, Babalu Aye, Ashe

Babalu Aye
Patron and assistant of the poor, the sick, and the downtrodden
Helper of the forgotten, forlorn, the disrespected ones
With this prayer, I request your compassionate assistance
And with the aid of Olodumare,
May you always protect me during sickness

And also in good health
Babalu Aye, give me the strength to overcome obstacles
And to achieve my full potential during my sojourn on Earth
Babalu Aye, help all those who cannot help themselves
And remain always by my side

Ashe, Babalu Aye, Ashe

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Prayer to The Orishas

May Elegua open the doors of opportunities and remove obstacles from your path
May Ogun to give you the courage to overcome your problems and defeat your enemies
May Oshosi bring Justice and Balance to your life

May Orula bestow his Wisdom upon you
May Obatala bring Peace, Tranquility, and Harmony to your life
May Babalu Aye heal your body and soul
May Olokun grant stability to your being
May Yemaya renovate and refresh your life with the powers of her waters
May Chango give you the strength to fight and win your battles

May Oshun fulfill your dreams of love and riches
May Oya bring with her Winds of change and prosperity to your realm

Yaya Maria